Shirin Salehi

Dentro de un agua extraña, mi sombra

These works by the artist Shirin Salehí were made during different stays in Madrid, Florence and New York between 2011 and 2018. They give an account of her work from the moment she found her own voice by using paper as a place where something happens, not as a support. She acts on the paper with great care, transforms it and lets it dictate the way. An inscription, an incision, a drawing or a writing occupy the space, which is filled with feelings and questions. With the same delicacy he will face different supports. According to the expressive or spatial needs, he will incorporate other elements such as water, sound, installation or video.
Dentro de un agua extraña, mi sombra


  • Poemas de Soledad en Columbia University I

    Shirin Salehi

    "Poemas de Soledad en Columbia University I"


    3 x 43 x 3 cm

    Libro de artista (cilindro de escritura). Aguafuerte sobre papel Sunji blanco natural 28 gr

  • El árbol de muñones que no canta

    Shirin Salehi

    "El árbol de muñones que no canta "


    185 x 97 cm

    Tinta blanca sobre papel de kozo Okawara 60 gr.

    Estructura de madera de chopo y pino (118 x 214 x 11 cm.). Estuche de cedro bossé y caoba. Diseño de José Molezún

  • Entre el gentío de las formas

    Shirin Salehi

    "Entre el gentío de las formas"

    32 x 22 cm

    Libro de artista. Tinta blanca sobre papel japonés Maruishi de 9 gr

  • Vuelta de paseo

    Shirin Salehi

    "Vuelta de paseo"


    64 x 85 cm

    Papel Okawara 60 gr y Sunji blanco natural 28 gr

    Aguafuerte sobre papel Okawara 60 gr y Sunji blanco natural 28 gr

  • Bailando con el carcelero

    Shirin Salehi

    "Bailando con el carcelero"


    28 x 38 x 2 cm

    Ed. 8/10. Edición de 10 ejemplares

    Aguafuerte y aguatinta sobre papel negro Somerset velvet 280 gr

  • Aguardar

    Shirin Salehi



    6 x 8 cm

    Matriz de cobre aguarda nueve días

  • Desaparecer de sí I

    Shirin Salehi

    "Desaparecer de sí I"


    50 x 65 cm

    Papel japonés Sekishu blanco 34 gr

    Aguafuerte (Ed. 2/5)

  • Desaparecer de sí III

    Shirin Salehi

    "Desaparecer de sí III"


    50 x 65 cm

    Papel japonés Sekishu blanco 34 gr

    Aguafuerte (Ed. 2/5)

  • Desaparecer de sí IV

    Shirin Salehi

    "Desaparecer de sí IV"


    50 x 65 cm

    Papel japonés Sekishu blanco 34 gr

    Aguafuerte (Ed. 2/5)

  • ... ahí, ahí están los originales de los jardines donde solíamos jugar y escondernos de este mundo...

    Shirin Salehi

    "... ahí, ahí están los originales de los jardines donde solíamos jugar y escondernos de este mundo..."

    78 x 112 cm

    Edición de 3 ejemplares

    Aguafuerte sobre papel Somerset 280 gr





The works of Shirin Salehi are made in different rooms in Madrid, Florence and New York, between 2011 and 2018, and show us how the artist begins to develop her own identity and language through the treatment of paper as the main material in which she deals. to reflect the passage of time and the need to leave a mark.

The materials are not only tools or materials to work on, they are also the final result of the work. The thoroughness and simplicity with which Shirin Salehi works his works makes us understand how poetry and silence characterize his work, which he considers to be the antidote for suffering.


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