Françoise Vanneraud

Hacia arriba sobre la montaña

Françoise Vanneraud's new work continues to explore through paper and photography the visions of mountains, caves, seas and flora in extinction. In this way, she gives us a first-person view of nature, generating a series of reflections of a philosophical, social and political nature, so present in her work.
Hacia arriba sobre la montaña


  • Parté par le courant 6

    Françoise Vanneraud

    "Parté par le courant 6"


    50 x 50 cm

    Pintura acrílica sobre fotografía

  • Hacia la montaña 1

    Françoise Vanneraud

    "Hacia la montaña 1"


    100 x 70 cm

    Fotografia impresa sobre papel Imbe intervenida

  • Hacia la montaña 2

    Françoise Vanneraud

    "Hacia la montaña 2"



    Fotografia impresa sobre papel Imbe intervenida

  • Hacia la montaña 3

    Françoise Vanneraud

    "Hacia la montaña 3"


    100 x 70 cm

    Fotografía impresa sobre papel Inbe intervenida

  • Parté par le courant 5

    Françoise Vanneraud

    "Parté par le courant 5"


    50 x 50 cm

    Pintura acrílica sobre fotografía

  • Dentro de la montaña 1

    Françoise Vanneraud

    "Dentro de la montaña 1"


    70 x 50 cm

    Fotografía interevenida con pintura acrílica


Hacia arriba sobre la montaña

Hacia arriba sobre la montaña

David Armengol

The title of this new exhibition by Françoise Vanneraud at the Ana Serratosa gallery in Valencia comes from two initial inspirations. The first is very obvious. For years, the mountain has been the central axis of her artistic practice, and not only because of her approaches from drawing and photography - that is, because of the final form of her works - but also because of the consolidation of a work process defined from direct experience in nature; a physical intensity in the mountain that adds to those suggestive images that we later see in an exhibition hall.
