Carmen Jabaloyes

Miradas Manufacturadas

Miradas Manufacturadas


  • Love of contemplation

    Carmen Jabaloyes

    "Love of contemplation"


    40 x 74 x 16 cm

    Crochet y malla metálica sobre plancha de hierro

  • Out of the cage

    Carmen Jabaloyes

    "Out of the cage"


    39 x 101 x 23 cm

    Malla metálica y crochet sobre marco de madera

  • A ver se aprende viendo

    Carmen Jabaloyes

    "A ver se aprende viendo"


    153 x 26 x 10 cm

    Hierro, chopo europeo, piel, malla metálica y crochet

  • Cannaregio 4885

    Carmen Jabaloyes

    "Cannaregio 4885"


    159 x 30 x 11 cm

    Madera yellow heart, crochet, hierro

  • Wood Acress

    Carmen Jabaloyes

    "Wood Acress"


    147 x 20 x 8 cm

    Hierro, ébano, ébano exótico, malla metálica y crochet

  • Wise Amnon

    Carmen Jabaloyes

    "Wise Amnon"


    134 x 19 x 7 cm

    Hierro, ébano, malla metálica y crochet

  • A ojos llenos

    Carmen Jabaloyes

    "A ojos llenos"


    143 x 18 x 9 cm

    Madera de palo santo, malla metálica, crochet, hierro


Miradas Manufacturadas

Miradas Manufacturadas

Emilio Raimondi

Venice does not exist unless you look at it with your eyes, beyond your mind.

Each work, which wants to be called a piece of art, exposes itself to this dramatic court: who does not see that work as a piece of art, who does not recognize it, sees it as an object among others. Carmen does not represent 'Venice'. Venice no longer exists other than in the eyes of the beholder. Carmen stages the ‘eyes’, and Venice.
