Javier Riera

Ocurre la pintura

In this exhibition, Javier Riera does away with the relationship between the concepts we have of figure and background or stain and background, in order to focus on the value and quality of the image itself. In the latter paintings we are confronted with images that are at different stages of their development. It is interesting to see images in which different times converge, with areas evolving from unequal rhythms. It would give the impression that we are witnessing the gestation of these images in a single time, that something is happening in front of us. Creation and contemplation on the same temporal plane.
Ocurre la pintura


  • Sin título

    Javier Riera

    "Sin título"


    200 x 200 cm

    Óleo sobre lienzo

  • Sin título

    Javier Riera

    "Sin título"


    40 x 57 cm

    Óleo sobre tabla

  • Sin título

    Javier Riera

    "Sin título"


    150 x 150 cm

    Óleo sobre lienzo


Ocurre la pintura

Ocurre la pintura

by Javier Hontoria

It is common among artists at certain moments in their careers, without knowing very well why, to be forced to contemplate the state of their work from very different prisms. Accustomed to living immersed in the work, the perception of what has been achieved seemingly clear, one sometimes finds oneself, as if suddenly, with a multitude of open fronts, centres scattered here and there that do nothing but confuse the artist himself and destabilise what they believe to be solidly rooted. It is often easy to know where the centre is and what flows from it, but in the end the work suffers. The plurality of centres in an artist's work can only confirm that the work is alive, that it can move in any direction, often unexpected. And for an artist, these must be exciting moments.
